Privacy Policy

This privacy statement sets out how personal information provided to the Hutt City Council will be managed.

Council collects personal information from you for the purposes of:

  1. Providing Council services
  2. Operating Council leisure and culture facilities
  3. Conducting public consultation and engagement processes and forums
  4. Minimising the risk of personal harm to staff or the public

The types of information we collect for these purposes include:

  • General contact details – address, telephone, email.
  • Identification details – name, address, date of birth.
  • Images from CCTV cameras and wearable cameras.
  • License plate numbers for parking matters.
  • Financial details for payments.
  • Medical information for recreation programmes or events.

You can choose not to give us this information, but it may mean that you don’t receive the services you require.

We only share your information outside Council when:

  • Our reason for sharing matches the reason we collected it; or
  • We have a specific legal reason; or
  • You give us permission to share it; or
  • When you sign a consent form or voluntarily provide information to us for that purpose

Applicable legislation includes the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, Resource Management Act 1991, Building Act 2004, Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the Privacy Act 2020.

Building and resource consents

Please be aware that consenting documentation such as resource and building consents, and information associated with these, will be available online for public access as this is public information. This will include personal information on consenting documents and submissions.

Rates information

Section 28A of Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 requires us to maintain a rating information database and to make this available to the public.  You have a right to request, in writing, that your name and/or postal address be withheld from this database. You do not need to provide reasons for this request, and you can revoke this request at any time.

Personal information collected by Council is held by Council, whose address is Private Bag 31-912, 30 Laings Road, Lower Hutt.

Council stores information with reasonable safeguards against loss and disclosure. Reasonable safeguards include physical and technological protections. Personal information is accessible to staff who have a legitimate reason to access it.  Council has a code of conduct where unauthorised disclosure of confidential information or records is considered misconduct.

Council manages its records in accordance with the provisions of the Public Records Act, which includes the authorised destruction of records once they are no longer required to be kept for legislative compliance or business purposes.

If you want to see your personal information, you have a right to ask us for it. We will manage this request according to the requirements of the Privacy Act 2020.

To ask us for your information, contact

If your information is not correct, you can ask us to update it. If the change is complex, or we do not agree with the change, you have the right to make a statement of correction. A statement of correction tells us what you are correcting and why it is incorrect.

We use cookies to collect information about how you use our websites and online tools. Cookies are small files stored on your device that hold information specific to you and the website or online tool you're using. They are designed to allow websites to tailor the information you see, or to save your information between visits so you don’t have to start again.

The types of information we collect include the:

  • IP address of the device being used.
  • Type of browser being used (e.g. Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox).
  • Type of device (e.g. PC, laptop, phone, tablet).

If you're using one of our online services, we will also collect login information.

We will use the personal information you share with us to ensure the content and services that we provide on our websites are tailored to your current and future needs.

Questions and Support

The council has a Privacy Officer. If you have any concerns regarding privacy issues, email

If you believe there is a privacy dispute we cannot resolve, you can make a complaint to the Privacy Commissioner, who can investigate potential breaches of the privacy principles. You can contact the Privacy Commissioner at:

  • 0800 803 909 (Monday to Friday, 10am to 3pm)
  • Office of the Privacy Commissioner, PO Box 10094, Wellington 6143