Removal of minimum car parking rate requirements

The District Plan is subject to ongoing monitoring and review throughout its lifetime. Plan changes to update the District Plan may be initiated by Council or by individuals. Plan changes may be required because of new information, because of research, or to respond to the changing needs and values of the community

District Plan changes take place when an individual or Council initiates a change. You can have your say on a proposed plan change. Here's how to go about making a submission.

The proposed plan change must be publicly notified, and there is an opportunity to make a submission (during the first phase) and further submission (during the second phase) on the proposal. A public hearing is normally held for those submitters wishing to speak to their submission. Once we have made the decision, it may be appealed to the Environment Court by any submitter.

There are two phases during which we accept submissions on proposed plan changes:

  1. The first phase is when the proposed plan change is first publicly notified. This phase is open to anyone for 20 working days.
  2. The second phase of further submissions is marked by a summary of submissions made in the first phase being publicly notified. Making a further submission is open to anyone who has an interest in the proposed plan change that is greater than the general public or represents a relevant aspect of the public interest. This phase lasts for 10 working days.

Read about how you can make a good submission.

Please use the appropriate form below when making a submission or further submission. We will accept these forms by post, email or hand delivery - see our contact details.

Submission form
Submission on publicly notified proposed District Plan change (PDF 48 kb)

Further submission formFurther submission on publicly notified proposed District Plan change (PDF 56 kb)

Listed below are all current modifications that affect the District Plan. Each link contains further information about the plan change and all relevant documents available for download.

Change numberPlan Change Title and linkStatus
54Boulcott's Farm Heritage Golf Club - Rezoning part of site to General Residential Activity Area

Further submission period closed on 29 June 2021.

A hearing has been scheduled for between Monday, 31 January 2022 and Tuesday, 8 February 2022.

53190, 236 and 268 Stratton Street, Normandale - Rezoning to Rural Residential Activity AreaHearing held Friday, 10 September 2021.

The table below lists all operative or withdrawn modifications that affect the District Plan. As these changes have been formally adopted as part of the District Plan, there is no further opportunity for public submissions on these changes.

Change numberPlan change title and linkOperative date
-Removal of minimum car parking rate requirements29 September 2020
52Alignment of the District Plan with the New Zealand Heritage List27 August 2019
50135 Witako Street Rezoning to Community Health Activity Area27 March 2018
49Copeland Street Reserve - Rezoning to General Residential (Medium Density) and General Recreation Activity Areas29 June 2018
4864 Waipounamu Drive, Kelson - Rezoning to General Residential Activity Area and General Recreation Activity Area27 March 2018
47Major Gardens, Kelson - Rezoning to General Residential Activity Area and General Recreation Activity Area13 April 2021
451N and 57N Mandel Mews, Waiwhetu - removing rules restricting residential development and rezoning a piece of land as General Recreation Activity Area11 July 2017
44Korimako Road/Pitoitoi Road, Days Bay - rezoning land as Hill Residential Activity Area6 December 2016
43Residential and Suburban Mixed Use23 February 2021
4238 Manor Park Road, Manor Park - zoning stopped road as General Residential Activity Area6 December 2016
39Transport27 March 2018
38Taita Drive, North of Avalon Park4 April 2017
37Hugh Sinclair Park, Wainuiomata - Rezoning of Part of the Site as General Residential Activity Area, Medium Density with Provision for a Retirement Village31 March 2016
36Notable Trees and Vegetation Removal23 February 2021
35Rezoning of land at Military Road/Hathaway Avenue/Boulcott Street as General Recreation Activity Area with Provision for a Retirement Village - Private Plan Change17 January 2017
34Network Utilities and Renewable Energy Generation8 June 2016
33Amendments to the Extraction Activity Area Provisions14 November 2014
32Farmer Crescent - zoning of 5 service lanes and 3 streets as General Residential Activity Area21 January 2014
3133 Atiawa Crescent - rezoning the site as General Residential Activity Area15 July 2014
308 Harold Grove - rezoning a part of the site as General Residential Activity Area and rezoning a part of the site as General Recreation Activity Area1 October 2013
29Proposed zoning change to the western end of Petone - Petone Mixed Use14 November 2014
28Parkside Road - zoning as General Business Activity Area24 July 2012
27151 Holborn Drive - rezoning part of the site as General Residential Activity Area1 October 2013
2630 Shaftesbury Grove - rezoning part of the site as General Residential Activity Area22 October 2013
25Introduction of a Tertiary Education Precinct26 November 2013
241-13 Ludlam Crescent - rezoning as General Residential Activity Area - Medium Density6 November 2012
23Amendments to vegetation removal provisions and remnant nikau palm protection provisions24 July 2012
226 – 15 Kelso Grove, Kelson – rezoning of part of the site as General Residential Activity Area2 April 2012
2154 Oakleigh Street, Maungaraki – rezoning of part of the site as General Residential Activity Area2 April 2012
2060 Eastern Hutt Road, Wingate – rezoning of part of the site as General Business Activity AreaWithdrawn
19172 and 206 Whites Line East, Waiwhetu – rezoning as General Residential Activity Area17 January 2012
18238 Stokes Valley Road, Stokes Valley – rezoning as General Residential Activity Area17 January 2012
1711 Seddon Street, Naenae – rezoning as General Residential Activity Area17 January 2012
16Amendments to Notification Provisions and Miscellaneous Changes1 December 2011
15Corner of Poto Road, Normandale – zoning as General Residential Activity Area29 March 2011
14Central Area Commercial Activity Area31 May 2011
13Temporary Activities and Filming10 November 2010
12Amendments to Residential Provisions and Financial Contributions Chapter1 December 2011
11Wesleyhaven Retirement Village, Rata Street, Naenae17 May 2011
10Amendments to Subdivision Provisions26 January 2010
9Update of Heritage Appendix 1 and 2 Chapter 14F – Heritage Buildings and Structures28 August 2007
8Sites in the Central Commercial Activity Area adjacent to Residential Areas17 June 2008
7Subdivision Allotment Design Standard Exceptions14 March 2006
6Hutt River Hazard Areas14 March 2006
5Prostitution Reform Act 20031 November 2005
4Demolition and Relocation of Listed Heritage Buildings and Structures1 November 2005
3Community Iwi and General Residential Activity Areas, Waiwhetu13 December 2005
2Notification Procedures and Assessment CriteriaWithdrawn
1Business and Commercial AreasWithdrawn

Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any questions about this change.