You are invited to make a submission on a resource consent application regarding the re-development of a retirement village at 758 and 760 High Street, Boulcott, (RM220084).
Application files for review:
- Appendix A - Consent Notice (PDF 77.3KB)
- Appendix B - 3D View Plans (PDF 5.16MB)
- Appendix B - Architectural Plans (PDF 4.32MB)
- Appendix B - Elevation Plans (PDF 14.4MB)
- Appendix B - Sun Study Shading Plans (PDF 14.8MB)
- Appendix C - Topographical Survey (PDF 18.8MB)
- Appendix D - Landscape Plans (PDF 16.1MB)
- Appendix E - Awa Stormwater Assessment (PDF 1.38MB)
- Appendix E - Awa Three Waters Memo - updated 28/02/22 (PDF 8.06MB)
- Appendix F - Traffic Impact Assessment (PDF 3.46MB)
- Appendix F - Traffic Assessment - Updated (PDF 853KB)
- Appendix G - Urban Design Report (PDF 8.11MB)
- Appendix H - LINZ - Record of title enquiry (787KB)
- Application and Assessment of Environmental Effects (PDF 1.58MB)
- Arborist Report (PDF 18.5MB)
- PC56 height recession plane (PDF 8.2MB)
- RM220084 Decision - resource consent notification decision (PDF 480KB)
- Ropata Village - Entryway Contour Plan (PDF 1.35KB)
- s.92(1) Further information response (PDF 340KB)
- Traffic Memo (PDF 532KB)
- 23/03/23 - Ropata Village - Awa s92 Responses Part 2 (PDF 6.69MB)