
Find out about Exhibitions at Petone Settlers Museum.

Home Away from Home

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117.2 million people worldwide are currently estimated to be forcibly displaced, seeking asylum and urgently finding refuge.

Home Away from Home explores some of the stories about former refugees in Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai Lower Hutt and how they have made a home away from home through cycling, pies, or boxes of biscuits. There is no single, definitive experience of being a refugee. Each person who is forced to flee their home, or place of belonging, has a unique story, distinct from others. Leaving your home is one of the hardest things to do, particularly when you have no choice.

Guy Ngan Habitat Marquette
Guy Ngan, Marquette for bronze sculpture; "Habitat" series (1978), Bronze, stone, felt. Collection of The Dowse Art Museum, The Blumhardt Collection (2010.3.68).

Golriz Ghahraman
Former refugee and current MP Golriz Ghahraman, signing in support of Double the Quota. Courtesy of Murdoch Stephens and Doing Our Bit.

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