Regional Emissions Reduction Plan 2024-2030

This Plan presents key actions necessary to transition to a zero-carbon region that meet community needs and aspirations.

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On Tuesday 19 March 2024, the Wellington Regional Leadership Committee formally approved Te Mahere ā-Rohe Whakaheke Tukunga 2024-2030 | The Regional Emissions Reduction Plan 2024-2030, and endorsed the Plan for action.

What is the Plan?

To address the effects of climate change in Wairarapa – Wellington – Horowhenua region, the Plan presents key actions necessary to transition to a zero-carbon region - actions that meet community needs and aspirations. It identifies the key shifts and priority actions that need to happen at a regional level, plugging the gaps between national plans and local plans in order to reduce carbon emissions.

Who is behind the Plan?

All voices in the region are important when planning how we reduce pollution in a targeted way – including government, iwi, sector specialists, rangatahi and community groups. The actions identified in the Plan will be delivered by a diverse range of stakeholders.

The Mō te Kōmiti Whakahaere ā-Rohe ki Te Whanganui-a-Tara | the Wellington Regional Leadership Committee (WRLC) is a joint regional partnership that brings mana whenua, local government (including all the Wellington region councils) and central government together to work collaboratively to shape future growth in the Wairarapa-Wellington-Horowhenua region.

The WRLC projects cover five broad key areas: iwi capacity, housing, climate, transport and economic development. The Regional Emissions Reduction Plan is one of three climate change-related projects, and sits alongside the Regional Adaptation Plan and the Regional Food Systems Strategy.

Where can I read the Plan?

We encourage you to read Te Mahere ā-Rohe Whakaheke Tukunga 2024-2030 | The Regional Emissions Reduction Plan 2024-2030 at