Creative communities scheme fund

About the Creative Communities Scheme Fund

Funding is available for projects that:

  • have an arts focus
  • meet the funding criteria
  • will be completed within 12 months of funding being approved
  • are based in Lower Hutt and mainly benefit people living in Lower Hutt and local communities
  • haven't already started before funding is approved
  • haven't already received funding from Creative New Zealand for the same purpose.

Eligibility Criteria

Individuals or groups can apply for CCS funding. Individuals must be New Zealand citizens or permanent residents.

Your project must meet at least one of the following:

  • Broad community involvement - the project will create opportunities for our local community to engage with and participate in all arts activities.
  • Diversity - the project will support the diverse arts and cultural traditions of local communities, enriching and promoting their uniqueness and cultural diversity.
  • Young people - the project will enable and encourage young people (under 18 years) to engage with and actively participate in the arts.

Once the project is complete, a project completion form must be submitted within two months after your project has ended. You can find this report under Accountability Reports

Note: If you have already received funding from CCS for a project, you must complete a report on that project before making another application, unless the project is still in progress.

The types of projects and activities we can fund include:

  • initiatives that offer opportunities for community involvement in the arts including: exhibitions, productions, concerts, festivals, workshops and presentations
  • activities that support the traditions and arts of ethnic communities
  • youth arts events
  • artist-ideas projects involving local communities
  • materials for arts activities or programmes
  • personal costs for one-off, short term projects
  • promoting and publicising arts activities to communities
  • travel for individuals or groups to attend events, presentations or shows within Hutt City.

  • ongoing administration and service costs (such as salaries) that aren’t related to a specific project
  • travel for individuals or groups to attend events, presentations or shows outside the local area
  • buying capital items or equipment, such as cameras, computers, instruments, costumes, lights or uniforms
  • the costs of running fundraising activities
  • entry fees for competitions, contests and exams
  • prize money, awards and judges’ fees for competitions
  • payment of royalties
  • the paying off of accumulated debt or debt servicing
  • buying existing artworks for collections held by, for example, councils, museums, galleries, community groups or individuals.

If you have any of the above costs included in your CCS application, you'll need to be able to cover these costs from project income other than CCS funding, such as ticket sales or fundraising.

How to apply

Past successful applicants

Year/Funding RoundDetailsFile/Size
2023-2024 Round 1Creative Communities Scheme 2023-24 Round 1PDF 380KB
2021-2022 Round 1Creative Communities Scheme 2021-22 Round 1PDF 119KB
2020-2021 Round 2Creative Communities Scheme 2020-21 Round 2PDF 309KB
2020-2021 Round 1Creative Communities Scheme 2020-21 Round 1PDF 2.8MB
2019-2020 Round 2Creative Communities Scheme 2019-20 Round 2PDF 102KB
2019-2020 Round 1Creative Communities Scheme 2019-20 Round 1PDF 236KB
2018-2019 Round 2Creative Communities Scheme 2018-19 Round 2PDF 166KB
2018-2019 Round 1Creative Communities Scheme 2018-19 Round 1PDF 285KB

More information

Contact details
