Local Marae

Find out about our local maraes and the services they provide to our Māori communities.

Puketapu Grove, Lower Hutt

Opened in 1960 after years of fundraising, the Waiwhetū marae complex is in the heart of the Waiwhetū papakāinga - the oldest traditional communal occupation of Te Āti Awa people in Te Whanganui a Tara. Over the six following decades the marae complex has expanded with the creation of the Te Aroha Association clubrooms, Waiwhetū Hauora Medical Centre, Waiwhetū Gym, and the whare rūnanga, Te Māori.


Ko Pukeatua te mounga
Ko Waiwhetū te awa
Ko Waiwhetū te marae
Ko Arohanui ki te Tangata te pouwhare
Ko Te Āti Awa te iwi
Ko Ngāti Puketapu, ko Te Matehou, ko Ngāti Hāmua ngā hapū

Available services

Manaaki tangata as required under Tikanga Māori. Advice and information, consultation in a range of matters relating to tangata whenua and the other Māori organisations.

  • Approved private training establishment with education and training programmes.
  • Disabilities
  • kōhanga reo
  • health clinic facility
  • youth holiday programmes
  • waka taua
  • special tourism packages
  • seminar /conference /functions facility.

Contact details

  • Telephone: 04 569 6063
  • Email: waimre@xtra.co.nz
  • Peggy Luke - Marae Manager |  04 566 1847
  • Hina Luke - Tutor | 04 569 7025
  • Wiki Ratu - Kaiako Kōhanga Reo | 04 566 3086

437 Hutt Road, Lower Hutt

Opened in 1933 under the leadership of Eruera Te Whiti-o-Rongomai Love and Thomas Heberley, and with the support of the Taranaki Trust Board, Te Tatau o Te Pō is the marae of the Ngāti Te Whiti and Ngāti Tāwhirikura hapū of Te Āti Awa. This was the first local modern marae complex built in the 20th century and takes the name of the original house at the Pito One pā during the era of Hōniana Te Puni Kōkopu. The land for the marae complex was provided for by cheiftainess Ripeka Love, mother of Eruera.

Harirū: Tuatahi

Kawa: Te Āti Awa / Pāeke


Ko Pukeariki te mounga
Ko Te Korokoro o Te Mana te awa
Ko Pukeariki te marae
Ko Te Tatau o Te Pō te pouwhare
Ko Te Āti Awa te iwi
Ko Ngāti Te Whiti, ko Ngāti Tāwhirikura ngā hapū

Available services

  • Te Tatau o te Pō Marae offers a warm place for small hui & meetings, noho and wānanga.
  • Te Tatau o te Pō is smoke, vape and alcohol free and maintains strict Covid rules.

Contact details

Lee & Malesha Hunter

Telephone: 021 612 667

146 Stokes Valley Road, Lower Hutt

Kōraunui Marae opened in two parts, first in 1979 the Wharekai was built. Then in 1991, the wharenui was built ‘by the people, for the people’ of all cultural backgrounds.

Kawa: Pāeke


Ko Te Ahurewa o te Aroha te Whare Tīpuna
Ko Kōraunui te Marae

Ko Te Rangimārie te Wharekai

Ko Ngā Hau E Whā te Iwi

Available services:

  • Free health clinic
  • Playgroup Tuesday/Thursday
  • Mothers’ group
  • Marae hire
  • Private training establishment
  • Level 1 Social Service
  • Whānau support
  • Emergency housing for women and children

Contact details

  • Telephone: 04 939 6662
  • Heneriata Gemmel - Coordinator
  • Te Kairaka Puhia – Kaumatua
  • Liz Heka - Whānau Support

136 Randwick Road, Moera, Lower Hutt

Available services

Presbyterian church services

  • Available for hire
  • Marae visit
  • noho (stay overs)
  • training and education
  • community assistance

Contact details

  • Te Kākano Trust Board
  • Tamati Cairns - Chair
  • Joe McLeod - Secretary
  • Hine Nohotima - Bookings

Telephone: 06 368 7997
Mobile: 027 568 3880
Email: enih@xtra.co.nz

Corner Fleet and Rata Streets, Lower Hutt

Available services

  • space for hire for hui, weddings, tangi etc.

Contact details

  • Telephone: 04 567 0907
  • Marama Luke - Secretary | 04 567 2952
  • Edward Kaumoana - Chairman | 04 977 1595

Corner Fitzherbert and Wellington Roads, Wainuiomata

Available services

We provide easy access to our culture and continue to maintain, enhance and practice the concepts of Tikanga Māori within the Marae environment.

  • space for hire
  • Marae visit
  • noho (stay overs)
  • Health Services.

Contact details

  • Telephone: 04 564 8395
  • Mobile: 027 439 3413
  • Email: wainuiomata@xtra.co.nz
  • Linda Olsen - Manager/Bookings Officer
  • Georgina Tuari - Finance/Accounts
  • Dominique Vaa - Health/Community Support Worker

7-9 Barnes  Street, Seaview

Available services

  • Facilities for cultural events and we also have Kohanga Reo
  • Youth Training
  • Employment Placement or Further Training programme
  • Health and Social Services
  • Whanau Ora
  • Women’s Refuge
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Homeless Prevention
  • COVID Vaccinations and Children Immunisations
  • Car Seat Rental
  • Parents as First Teachers
  • Parenting Programmes
  • Naku Enei Tamariki

Contact details

  • Telephone: 04 939 4630
  • Tina - Marae Manager | 0275 802 953
  • Teresea - General Manager Health and Social Services| 04 939 4603

1-9 Railway Avenue, Maidstone, Upper Hutt

Available services:

  • Social Services
  • private functions
  • training programmes
  • drug and alcohol counselling
  • community services
  • health services.

Contact details

  • Telephone: 04 528 9639
  • Email: uppervalleymarae@xtra.co.nz
  • Jay Bullen - Chairperson
  • Linda Pahi - Treasurer/Manager