We’re thinking Long Term, Lower Hutt!

Hutt City written in dark blue with a representation of the river between Hutt and City. In smaller dark blue text below is Te Awa Kairangi. The logo is presented on a mid-blue background with light blue topographical markings. banner image

Published: 19 July 2023

We’ve done some early thinking about what the next Long Term Plan (LTP) should cover, and we need your help to know if we’re on the right track.

The LTP sets out our priorities for the next 10 years, including what we will do, how much it will cost and how we will fund it. Our current LTP focuses on getting the basics right - with significant investments in infrastructure, in transport and Three Waters and we’ve made good progress in these areas.

We’re upgrading our drinking, sewage and storm water network, building resilience into our transport network, making progress on the new Naenae Pool and Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi is underway, delivering RiverLink.

"We are facing a number of economic and climate change challenges. We’ll adapt to them in partnership with our community, while also prioritising getting the basics right," Lower Hutt Mayor Campbell Barry says.

"This means for our next LTP we’re building on the foundations of our current priorities and reshaping them to meet our needs over the coming decade."

"We are keeping climate change at the forefront of our thinking as we enable warm, dry secure housing in vibrant neighbourhoods with easy access to green spaces and community places."

"Lower Hutt is our city, and we want to know whether you think we are prioritising the right things for our community.

"I strongly encourage everyone to have their say so we can keep working to make Lower Hutt the best place in New Zealand to grow up, raise a family and thrive."

Your feedback from this survey will help make sure our direction is on the right track.

Click HERE to take part.

This survey opens today: 17 July, and closes on 30 July.

Full consultation will begin in 2024.

You can find the current Long Term Plan HERE.

As we weave together new strands into our rope, we lengthen and strengthen the essence within. Kia kōmiroa, kia whiria ngā weu kia ū, kia roa, kia pītongatonga ai te taura.