Business and Commercial Areas

District Plan Change 1: Introduction of a Development Commercial Activity Area.  This proposed plan change was withdrawn on 14 January 2014

About this plan change

Proposed District Plan Change 1 proposed to change retailing activities within the General Business Activity Area, including the introduction of a Development Commercial Activity Area using a "floating zone" technique.

StepsStatus of each stepRelated documents
Notification (submissions)

Publicly notified
23 March 2004

Submissions closed
30 April 2004

Plan change document (PDF 80kb)

Section 32 evaluation (PDF 155kb)

Further submissionsFurther submissions closed 
6 August 2004
Summary of submissions (PDF 36kb)
HearingNo hearing held 
DecisionWithdrawn 14 January 2014
AppealsNo appeals

Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any questions about this change.