Make an Official Information request

Find out how to make an Official Information Request (OIR) and what our obligations and time frames are.

We process requests for information in accordance with the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the Privacy Act 2020. These aim to balance issues of transparency and public interest with limits on the disclosure of personal information.

In most cases we can process your request on the spot. When we are unable to process your request immediately, we’ll let you know whether or not we can grant your official information request within 20 working days of your enquiry.

If your request is more urgent, please talk to us about it.

We will let you know as soon as possible if we need to:

  • Extend the deadline on your request
  • Transfer your request if the information is held by another government organisation
  • Clarify your request (if we are not able to reasonably identify what information is being requested, or if your request is too broad)

You can make a LGOIMA (Local Government Official Information and Meeting Act) request for any information that we hold, such as:

  • Information on council projects
  • Our policies and procedures
  • Drawings, images or maps
  • Files or records

We proactively release all official information responses unless there is good reason to withhold them. This helps to encourage openness and transparency.

We do not release responses if the request is purely in the personal interest of the requester or could reveal something about the requestor’s personal circumstances.

The information generally appears on our website within 5 working days of it being released to the person or organisation making the request.

View the proactive information releases

The principle of the Act is that information should be made available unless there are good reasons for withholding it. Council is entitled to consider not releasing information if it would:

  • Prejudice the maintenance of the law
  • Endanger the safety of any person
  • Breach the privacy of any person
  • Disclose confidential or commercially sensitive information
  • Cause serious offence to Tikanga Māori
  • Disclose the location of Waahi Tapu
  • Breach an obligation of confidence
  • Prejudice public health or safety
  • Prejudice Council’s right to legal professional privilege
  • Prejudice the commercial activities of Council
  • Prejudice negotiations being carried out by Council

Complete the LGOIMA request form to make a request.

Requests for information may be written or verbal. Council may ask for more details if your request isn't specific enough.

We also accept requests for information via the following

By phone - +64 4 570 6666

By email -

In person - 30 Laings Road, Lower Hutt, Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm

If you’re looking for access to information about yourself, this is covered by the Privacy Act 2020 free of charge.

There is no charge for standard requests made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

No charges will apply where the information cannot be readily found, or for time spent deciding whether information will be released.

The following charges will apply for non-standard requests made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

Charges will be notified and agreed with the requester before any copying, scanning, collation or redaction is carried out.

A charge may be modified or waived at the discretion of a general manager:

  • if the information is in the public interest to release,
  • if payment might cause financial hardship,
  • or where the information assists public organisations in their work.

Reproduction charges

Fee type2024-2025 Fee
Photocopying A3/A4 - up to 20 pages Free of charge
Photocopying A3/A4 - over 20 pages $0.20 per page
Scanning or copying of items larger than A3

Charged on a case-by-case basis depending on size, original format and condition
Reproduction costs: As notified on request

Staff time: $40.00 per half hour

Substantial collation and redaction

For requests which require substantial collation, scanning and/or redaction before release (non-standard) the following charges will apply:

Fee type2024-2025 Fee
First hour of staff time Free of charge
Charge per additional half hour of staff time or part thereof $40.00
Any external contractor time as required Actual cost

Expense charges

All charges will need to be paid before you receive the information you have requested. All charges incurred will be fixed so to recover the actual costs involved, including:

  • Photocopying – the first 20 pages are free. Every A4 page after that will be charged at 20 cents.
  • Producing a document by computer or similar equipment
  • Reproducing a photograph, film, video or audio recording
  • Viewing or hearing a visual or audio recording
  • Providing a copy of any map, plan or other document larger than A4
  • Retrieval of information offsite or any situation where a direct charge is incurred in providing the information

If you are not satisfied with our response to your request for official information, you can complain to the Office of the Ombudsman.

Contact details

Telephone: 04 570 6666
