List of bylaws

A bylaw is a rule or regulation, made by a local Council, which: Affects the public, orders something to be done, or something not to be done. Read all of our bylaws here.

TitleRecord #Size
Alcohol Fees Bylaw effective 1 January 2020.PDF DOC/19/130325 60.7 KB
Appearance Industries Bylaw 2020 - Code of Practice.PDF DOC/20/103917 564.1 KB
Appearance Industries Bylaw 2020.PDF DOC/20/103915 249.3 KB
Cemeteries Bylaw 2017 effective 1 January 2018.PDF DOC/17/200597 323.3 KB
Control of Alcohol in Public Places Bylaw 2016.PDF DOC/17/50014 4.7 MB
Control of Animals Bylaw 2018 DOC/18/172960 152.2 KB
Dog Control Bylaw 2015 - Amended 28 May 2024  463 KB
HCC Solid Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw 2021.PDF DOC/21/2850 490.5 KB
Hutt City Council Speed Limits Bylaw 2015.PDF DOC/15/109368 40.7 KB
Hutt Valley Trade Wastes Bylaw 2016.PDF DOC/16/163968 175.8 KB
Parks and Reserves Bylaw 2017 effective 1 January 2018.PDF DOC/17/200598 366.0 KB
Prevention of Nuisance from Fires and Smoke Bylaw 2018.PDF DOC/18/172959 52.5 KB
Public Places Bylaw 2016.PDF DOC/15/36619 457.7 KB
Trading in Public Places Bylaw 2018.PDF DOC/18/45205 56.8 KB
Traffic Bylaw (2017).PDF DOC/21/102223 16.8 MB
Water Supply Bylaw 2022.PDF DOC/15/36669 218 KB