District plan change 18

About this plan change

District Plan Change 18 rezoned the Council owned land at 238 Stokes Valley Road, Stokes Valley (being part of Part Lot 2 DP 18888, CT WN825/53) to General Residential Activity Area. The land was previously zoned as General Recreation Activity Area and comprises the former custodian’s house and grounds at Delaney Park.

The rezoning of the parcel of land to General Residential Activity Area reflects its historic and ongoing usage and enables its continued use for residential purposes. It also ensures that any future development that might occur on the site is of a nature and scale that reflects the surrounding residential environment.

StepsStatus of each stepRelated documents
Notification (submissions)

Publicly notified
12 April 2011

Submissions close
13 May 2011

Proposed plan change (PDF 2.3 Mb)
Further submissionsSummary of Submissions notified 7 June 2011

Further Submissions close 21 June 2011

Summary of Submissions
(PDF 87 kb)
HearingNo hearing requiredOfficer's Report (PDF 290 kb)
DecisionPublicly notified 18 October 2011Decision (PDF 272 kb) 
AppealsNo appeals 
Operative date17 January 2012Sign and Seal (PDF 396 kb)

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Please contact us if you have any questions about this change.