District plan change 30

About this plan change

The purpose of District Plan Change 30 was to rezone one part of 8 Harold Grove, Stokes Valley to General Residential Activity Area in the City of Lower Hutt District Plan (District Plan) and to rezone another part of the section to the General Recreation Activity Area. The majority of the site was previously within the General Recreation Activity Area of the District Plan. The exception was the western portion of the site where there was a 4m wide parcel of land which was within the General Residential Activity Area. The area proposed to be rezoned as General Residential Activity Area was approximately 1,200m2 and comprised one of the three titles (Lot 6 DP 45900, Lot 93 DP 45900 and Part Sections 6-21 Reserves) that made up the wider site. The area of the site to be rezoned General Recreation Activity Area was approximately 145m2.

StepsStatus of each stepRelated documents
Notification (submissions)

Publicly notified 26 June 2012

Submissions closed 27 July 2012

Proposed Plan Change document (PDF 536 kb)
Further submissionsPublicly notified 28 August 2012

Further Submissions closed 11 September 2012

HearingHearing held 13 December 2012Officer's Report (PDF 321 kb)
DecisionDecision notified 28 May 2013Decision (PDF 382 kb)
AppealsNo appeals 
Operative date1 October 2013Sign and Seal (PDF 375 kb)

Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any questions about this change.