District plan change 34

About this plan change

As part of Hutt City Council’s District Plan rolling review programme, Council has embarked on a review of the network utility provisions in the City of Lower Hutt District Plan.

The plan change proposes to bring the provisions for network utilities in to line with the National Policy Statement on Electricity Transmission (which relates to the National Electricity Grid) and the Wellington Regional Policy Statement. The Plan Change also proposes to give effect to the National Policy Statement on Renewable Electricity Generation by introducing a new General Chapter providing for renewable energy generation. While renewable energy generation is not a network utility, it is timely and appropriate to address both of these national policy statements through the same review process.  It is also considered timely to concurrently review all the other network utility provisions, as these have been in place for some time.

Council has worked on creating this plan change as a joint project with Upper Hutt City Council. Upper Hutt City Council have notified their own plan change to the Upper Hutt City District Plan (Plan Change 38). The plan changes have been publicly notified concurrently.

District Plan text and maps affected by this plan change - Chapters 3, 11, 13, 14I and 14L, Urban Planning Maps C3, D2, D3, D5, D6, E1, E2, E5, F1, F4, F5, G1, H1, H2, H3 and Rural Planning Maps R1, R2, R3, R4

StepsStatus of each stepRelated documents
Notification (submissions)

Publicly notified 2 December 2014

Submissions closed 30 January 2015

Proposed Plan Change 34 and Section 32 report (PDF 8 Mb)
Further submissionsPublicly notified 7 April 2015

Further submissions closed 21 April 2015

Summary of Submissions (PDF 604 kb)
Hearing Hearing held on 20 August 2015Officer's Report  (PDF 710 kb)
DecisionDecision notified 2 March 2016Decision (PDF 3 MB)
AppealsNo appeals 
Operative8 June 2016 Sign and Seal (PDF 367 kb)

Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any questions about this change.