District plan change 29

About this plan change

District Plan Change 29 created a mixed use area and promoted more diversity in activities in the area. The plan change area is generally bound by Hutt Road, Petone Avenue, Campbell Terrace, Victoria Street, Sydney Street and The Esplanade. The new area incorporates land previously included in the Petone Commercial Activity Area 2 and the General Business Activity Area (including the Esplanade West area) to promote its transformation into a mixed use environment primarily for residential, commercial and larger scale retail activities.

The changes include, but are not limited to, amendments to the following provisions:

  • Retail
  • Residential
  • Building Form, Height and Design
  • Traffic and Parking
  • Residential Amenity
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Natural Hazards
  • Infrastructure

In addition Plan Change 29 introduces a Petone West Design Guide.

Three properties on the eastern side of Victoria Street immediately south of Campbell Terrace were rezoned from ‘General Business Activity Area’ to ‘Jackson Street Historic Retail Precinct - Petone Commercial Activity Area – Area 1’.

District Plan provisions affected by this plan change:  Chapters 1, 3, 5, 5B, 6A and 14A and Planning map A5

StepsStatus of each stepRelated documents
Notification (submissions)

Publicly notified 26 June 2012

Submissions closed 10 August 2012

Proposed plan change (PDF 3.1 Mb) 
Further submissionsPublicly notified 13 November 2012

Further Submissions closed 27 November 2012

Summary of Submissions (PDF 1 Mb)
HearingHeld from 10 April to 19 April 2013Officer's Report including Appendices (PDF 12 Mb)
Further consultation: Design GuideConsultation from 20 May to 21 June 2013 (4pm)Revised Petone Mixed Use Activity Area Design Guide (PDF 4 Mb)
DecisionDecision notified 24 September 2013Decision including Appendices 1 - 3 (PDF 942 kb)

Appendix 4 including Design Guide (PDF 7 Mb)

AppealsAppeal resolved 
Operative date14 November 2014Sign and Seal (PDF 403 kb)

Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any questions about this change.