District plan change 9

Operative date

This plan change became operative on 28 August 2007.

About this plan change

District Plan Change 9 makes amendments to Appendix Heritage 1 and 2 in Chapter 14F of the plan.  It introduces two new additions to Appendix Heritage 1, being the Eastbourne Borough Council Omnibus Service Garage (bus barns) and the Lower Hutt Civic Centre.  The plan change also transfers Rona Bay Wharf and Collett House from Appendix Heritage 2 to Appendix Heritage 1.  Some technical amendments (including changes to legal descriptions and addresses) were also incorporated where there was a need for these to either be updated or corrected.

StepsStatus of each stepRelated documents

Publicly notified
26 September 2006

Submissions closed
27 October 2006

Plan change document PDF 76 kb)

Section 32 evaluation (PDF 79 kb)

Further submissionsPublicly notified
14 November 2006

Further submissions closed
15 December 2006

Summary of submissions (PDF 80 kb) 
HearingHearing held
20 March 2007
Officers report (PDF 78 kb) 
DecisionPublicly notified 28 August 2007Decision (PDF 199 kb) 
AppealsNo appeals 
Operative date28 August 2007Sign and Seal (PDF 361 kb)

Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any questions about this change.