District plan change 27

About this plan change

Proposed Plan Change 27 proposes to rezone part of the Council owned land at 151 Holborn Drive, Stokes Valley (Part Lot 3 DP 20917 and Part Lot 8 DP 20501, Certificate of Title WNB3/881 and Part Section 199 Hutt District (SO 10500), Certificate of Title WN966/66) as General Residential Activity Area. At present the land is zoned General Recreation Activity Area. The proposed plan change will enable subdivision and development of part of the site for residential activity to the extent provided for by the General Residential Activity Area provisions of the District Plan. The remaining part of the site will be retained as General Recreation Activity Area.

StepsStatus of each stepRelated documents
Notification (submissions)

Publicly notified 27 March 2012

Submissions closed 27 April 2012

Proposed Plan Change document (PDF 151 kb)
Further submissionsPublicly notified 22 May 2012

Further submissions closed 6 June 2012

Summary of submissions(PDF 122 kb)
HearingHeld 12 December 2012Officer's Report (PDF 847 kb)
DecisionDecision notified 28 May 2013Decision (PDF 689 kb)
AppealsNo appeals 
OperativeOperative from 1 October 2013Sign and Seal (PDF 397 kb)

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Please contact us if you have any questions about this change.