District plan change 45

About this plan change

Hutt City Council received a private plan change request from Cuttriss Consultants Limited on behalf of Best Value Homes.

Private Plan Change 45 deletes Rules 4A 2.1 (q) and 11 2.2.1 (a) (in part) from the Operative City of Lower Hutt District Plan to allow for residential activities on Lot 64 DP 319972 (1N Mandel Mews) and rezones Lot 64 DP 329306 (57N Mandel Mews) from General Residential Activity Area to General Recreation Activity Area.

District Plan provisions affected by this plan change:

  • Parts of Chapters 4A (General Residential Activity Area) and 11 (Subdivision)
  • District Plan Maps
StepsStatus of each stepRelated documents
Notification (submissions)

Publicly notified 24 January 2017.

Submissions closed on 24 February 2017 at 5pm.

Plan Change Document (PDF 2 Mb)
Further submissionsPublicly notified for further submissions on 14 March 2017.

Further submissions closed on 28 March 2017.

Summary of Decisions Requested (PDF 95 kb)
HearingNo hearing required.Officer's Report (PDF 128 kb)

Commissioner's Minute #1 (PDF 47 kb)

Officer's Response to Minute #1 (PDF 25 kb)

Requester's Response to Minute #1 (PDF 412 kb)

DecisionDecision to be notified on 2 May 2017.Decision (PDF 106 kb)

Public Notice of Decision (PDF 27 kb)

AppealsNo appeals 
Operative date11 July 2017Chapter 4A (PDF 10.3 Mb)

Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any questions about this change.