About this plan change
The purpose of District Plan Change was to ensure that all heritage features in the district that are listed, or were nominated and anticipated to be listed, in the New Zealand Heritage List were protected through the objectives, policies and rules of Chapter 14F (Heritage Buildings and Structures) of the City of Lower Hutt District Plan.
Through the Plan Change, the following amendments were made to the appendices of the Chapter 14F of the District Plan:
- Nash House (14 St Albans Grove, Woburn) and the former Lower Hutt Central Fire Station (155-157 Waterloo Road, Hutt Central) were added to Appendix Heritage 1.
- The former Naenae Post Office (27 Hillary Court, Naenae) was added to Appendix Heritage 2.
- The ANZAC Memorial Flag Pole (Petone Railway Station, Hutt Road, Petone) and former Petone Magistrate’s Court (13 Elizabeth Street, Petone) were transferred from Appendix Heritage 2 to Appendix Heritage 1.
- Dudley Cottage (formerly on Seaview Road, destroyed in fire) was removed from Appendix Heritage 1.
In addition, the Plan Change replaced terms used in Chapter 14F which, due to legislative amendments, became out of date.
Key steps, dates, and related documents
Steps | Status of each step | Related documents |
Notification (submissions) | Publicly notifed for submissions on 16 October 2018. Submission period closed on 16 November 2018. | Public Notice (PDF 39 kb)
Plan Change Document (PDF 3.5 Mb) |
Further submissions |
Publicly notified for further submissions on 15 January 2019.
Further submission period closed on 29 January 2019. | Public Notice of the Summary of Decisions Requested (PDF 212 kb)
Summary of Decisions Requested (PDF 316 kb) |
Hearing | Hearing held 16 April 2019. | Minute #1 of the Hearing Panel (PDF 495 kb)
Officer's Report (PDF 336 kb) Evidence of C Rachlin for HNZPT (PDF 1.1 Mb) Evidence of K Astwood for HNZPT (PDF 2.1 Mb) Order Paper for the Hearing (PDF 82 kb) Minute #2 of the Hearing Panel (PDF 107 kb) |
Decision | Decision publicly notified on 28 May 2019. | Decision (PDF 1 Mb)
Public Notice of the Decision (PDF 184 kb) |
Appeals | No appeals. | |
Operative date | Operative from 27 August 2019. | Sign and Seal (PDF 907 kb) |
Contact Us
Please contact us if you have any questions about this change.