District plan change 49

About this plan change

District Plan Change 49 rezoned a 8,288m2 portion of the Copeland Street Reserve (Lot 11 DP 25931) from General Recreation Activity Area to General Residential Medium Density Activity Area.

The purpose of the plan change was to rezone the area to the most appropriate zoning following the revocation of the reserve status of the area.

The northeastern part of the reserve was retained for recreation purposes. The portion that was rezoned was previously vested as reserve. The Department of Conservation agreed on 1 July 2016 to revoke the reserve status.

The Plan Change also rezoned 51 and 53 Hall Crescent (Lots 6 and 7 DP 25931) from General Residential Medium Density Activity Area to General Recreation Activity Area.

StepsStatus of each stepRelated documents
Notification (submissions)

Publicly notified 29 August 2017.

Submission period closed on 29 September 2017.

Proposed Plan Change Document
(PDF 4.9 Mb)
Further submissionsPublicly notified 24 October 2017.

Further Submission period closed on 7 November 2017.

Public Notice for Further Submissions (PDF 35 kb)

Further Submission form (PDF 118 kb)

Summary of Submissions (PDF 103 kb)

HearingHearing held on 2 February 2018.Officer's Report (PDF 524 kb)

Appendix 1 of Officer's Report - Detailed Site Investigation (PDF 5.1 Mb)

Minute from Commissioner #1 (PDF 351 kb)

DecisionDecision publicly notified on 27 March 2018Decision (PDF 302 kb)
AppealsNo appeals 
Operative dateOperative from 6 June 2018

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Please contact us if you have any questions about this change.