District plan change 2

About this plan change

Proposed District Plan Change 2 was to make amendments to the notification procedures and assessment criteria in the plan to comply with the 2003 Resource Management Amendment Act.

District Plan provisions that would have been affected by this proposed plan change:  Page 17/2, all activity areas and the assessment matters for all discretionary activity rules.

StepsStatus of each stepRelated documents
Notification (submissions)

Publicly notified
23 March 2004

Submissions closed
30 April 2004

Plan change document (PDF 38 kb)

Section 32 evaluation (PDF 87 kb)

Further submissions Summary of submissions (PDF 24 kb)
HearingNo hearing held 
16 May 2006
Withdrawal report (PDF 525 kb)
AppealsNo appeals

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Please contact us if you have any questions about this change.