About this plan change
In September 2014 Summerset Villages (Lower Hutt) Ltd made a request to Hutt City Council for a private plan change to rezone a site in Boulcott from General Recreation Activity Area to General Residential Activity Area with specific provision for a retirement village. Further information was requested and provided by Summerset Villages (Lower Hutt) Ltd in October 2014.
The following documents are available below:
- Notification for Submissions (including Submissions)
- Further Submissions
- Further Information from the Applicant
- Council Evidence/Peer Reviews and Sec 42A Report
- Applicant's Evidence
- Submitters' Evidence
- Expert Conferencing Statements
- Minutes from the Chair
- Hearing Documents
- Decision
In brief, the private plan change request seeks to:
- Change the zoning of former golf course land at Military Road/Hathaway Avenue/Boulcott Street from General Recreation Activity Area to General Residential Activity Area with provision for the establishment of a retirement village;
- Change the General Residential Activity Area provisions to include additional policies that enable housing for the elderly on the site of the plan change and to include a Design Guide for housing for the elderly on the site;
- Change the General Residential Activity Area provisions to provide for specified aspects of the development of a retirement village on the site as a restricted discretionary activity. This means that the development of a retirement village on the site would still require resource consent to proceed; and
- Change the General Residential Activity Area provisions to provide for the height, bulk and location of the main care buildings and apartment buildings on the site.
- Change the General Rules for Transportation to specify car parking and loading standards for retirement village development of the site.
On 28 January 2015 Council resolved to accept the private plan change request and start the statutory process.
District Plan provisions affected by this private plan change are:
- Chapters 4A, 14A
- Urban Planning Map D3
A decision on the plan change was notified on 4 October 2016.
Publicly notified on 14 April 2015, submissions closed on 29 May 2015.
- Proposed Private Plan Change 35 (full document PDF 48 Mb)
Publicly notified 4 August 2015, further submissions closed on 18 August 2015.
- Summary of Submissions (PDF 1.3 Mb)
Contact Us
Please contact us if you have any questions about this change.