What happened
In July 2022, several landslides occurred on the hillside above Eastern Hutt Road, significantly impacting the road and nearby properties.
About the project
Physical works on the project to improve the resilience of the Eastern Hutt Road corridor, valued at $27.5 million, began in July 2023. The comprehensive remediation works included fixing three major slip sites above the road and future-proofing them against any future slips.
Eastern Hutt Road fully re-opened on 15 March 2024. See Eastern Hutt Road Reopens for more information on this significant milestone.
Further work is underway on a programme of works to improve resilience of the wider corridor. Sign up to our Eastern Hutt Road email newsletter for updates about works happening in the area.
Upcoming works
We’re replacing barriers along a northern section Eastern Hutt Road with wire fences while we actively work on a permanent solution to improve resilience and reduce community disruption from ongoing maintenance.
Contractors need to work in the road space to install the wire catch fences
Until 17 February (weather permitting)
- Stop/go in place north of the Stokes Valley roundabout, weekday, 8:30am-4:30pm. You may see contractors on site before or after this as they get things ready.
- Contractors are not onsite today (7 February) as the team is waiting for concrete to cure.
We’re coordinating with Metlink to minimise disruption to public transport and school bus routes, ensuring a smooth start to the new school year for our tamariki travelling in and out of Stokes Valley.
We understand it’s frustrating to have delays through the area if this is your normal route - the good news is that once the new catch fence is installed this stretch of Eastern Hutt Road can return to 80km/hr.
If you’re not travelling in and out of Stokes Valley, we recommend taking an alternate route so we can keep traffic flowing as smoothly as possible.
What else is happening?
There are also some night works coming up further south, from 111 Eastern Hutt Road to the Pomare Roundabout which include lane closures and detours:
- 10 February, 7pm-5am
- 13 February, 7pm-11pm
Date | Activity |
January - March 2023 | Design of the engineering works |
March - April 2023 | Procurement of the contractors to do the works |
May 2023 - March 2024 | Physical works |
March 2024 | Road fully re-opened |
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Contact Us
You can email us at ehrupdate@huttcity.govt.nz