District plan change 4

Operative date

This plan change became operative on 1 November 2005.

About this plan change

District Plan Change 4 introduced provisions and a rule that make the demolition or relocation of a listed heritage building a discretionary activity.

StepsStatus of each stepRelated documents
Notification (submissions)

Publicly notified
23 March 2004

Submissions closed
30 April 2004

Plan change document (PDF 40 kb)

Section 32 evaluation (PDF 63 kb)

Further submissionsFurther submissions closed
6 August 2004.
Summary of submissions (PDF 55 kb)
HearingHearing held
5 October 2005
Officer's report (PDF 81 kb)
DecisionPublicly notified
26 October 2005 
Decision (PDF 196 kb) 
AppealsNo appeals 
Operative date1 November 2005Sign and Seal (PDF 355 kb)

Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any questions about this change.